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Committed to Explore, Empower, and Energize

Transparency Seal
Corporate Governance
Freedom Of Information

Projects and Operations

In line with PNOC EC's mandate of providing a stable energy supply for the Philippines, the company is also involved in the exploration, development and production of coal in the country.

PNOC Exploration Corporation’s presence in the Philippine petroleum industry spans over 30 years, with its role evolving from that of a catalyst and promoter of local petroleum exploration to that of

PNOC EC's Trading and Marketing business continue to serve the fuel requirements of its industrial customers with coal supply coming from its own COC 41 small scale mines and other indigenous sources.


PNOC Exploration Corporation

Puts high value on the social component of its projects and operations. It engages the communities in which it operates to collaborate with the stake holders in the planning and implementation of various social projects.

PNOC EC Privacy Policy Statement

Policy Statement

In line with PNOC Exploration Corporation’s (PNOC EC) commitment to open, transparent, and accountable government agency, the Company shall adhere to the principles of transparency, legitimate purpose, and proportionality in collecting and processing of personal information data.

Collection and Processing of Personal Information

PNOC EC shall collect and process personal data for a declared, specified, and legitimate purpose only.

  • Consent of data subject shall be required prior to collection and processing of personal data subject to exemptions provided by the RA No. 10173 otherwise known as the Data Privacy Act of 2012 and other applicable laws and regulations.
  • The data subject shall be provided specific information on the purpose and extent of processing, including, where applicable, automated processing of his or her personal data for profiling, or processing for direct marketing, and data sharing.
  • Purpose for collection of personal data shall be determined and declared before, or as soon as reasonably practicable, after collection.
  • Only personal data that is necessary and compatible with declared, specified, and legitimate purpose shall be collected.
  • PNOC EC shall uphold the rights of the data subject in processing personal data. 
  • Information provided to data subject shall be in clear and plain language to ensure that they are easy to understand and access.
  • Processed personal data shall be adequate, relevant, and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purpose for which they are processed.
  • Processing of personal data shall be undertaken in a manner that ensures appropriate privacy and security safeguards.
  • Personal data should be accurate and, where necessary, for declared, specified, and legitimate purpose, kept up to date.
  • PNOC EC shall rectify, supplement, destroy or restrict further processing of inaccurate or incomplete data.

Security Measures for the Protection of Personal Data
PNOC EC shall implement security measures with the aim to maintain the availability, integrity, and confidentiality of personal data and are intended for the protection of personal data against any accidental or unlawful destruction, alteration, and disclosure, as well as against any other unlawful processing.

Further, the Company shall implement these security measures to protect personal data against natural dangers such as accidental loss or destruction, and human dangers such as unlawful access, fraudulent misuse, unlawful destruction, alteration, and contamination.

Data subject/s may contact the PNOC EC Data Protection Officers (DPO) for any query, clarification, or request on any aspect of the Data Privacy Policy Manual, how to exercise rights in relation to personal information or provide feedback on how the Company collects and processes personal information.

Data Protection Officers


Contact Details

Annette R. David


Human Resources and Administration Department

+632 8479-9268


Julius Evan P. Zapata



Management Information System Department

+632 8479-9432


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