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GCG Requirements - Past Reports

Transparency Seal
Corporate Governance
Freedom Of Information

GCG Requirements - Past Reports

In accordance with Section 43 of the GCG Code of Corporate Governance, PNOC EC shall maintain a website and post therein for unrestricted public access the following:

1. On Institutional Matters:

a. For Chartered GOCCs, the latest version of its Charter (not applicable);
Being a Non-Chartered GOCC, its Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws;

b. For Non-Chartered GOCCs, General Information Sheet (GIS) (2017,20162015) and brief company background including date of incorporation, history, functions and mandate;

c.List of Subsidiaries and Affiliates (not applicable)

d. Government Corporate Information Sheet (GCIS) as mandated by the GCG in its Memorandum Circular No. 2012-01.

2. On the Board and Officers:

a. Complete listing of the Directors (2017, 2020) and Officers (2017, 2020) with  resume;(2016)

b. Complete compensation package of all the board members (actual 2018 2019entitlements 2014 ) and (officers 2018 2019), including travel, representation, transportation and any other form of expenses or allowances;

c. Board Committee membership and Committee information and activities; (2017)

d. Attendance record of Directors in Board and Committee meetings. (2015) (2019)

3. On Financial and Operational Matters:

a. Latest annual Audited Financial and Performance Report within thirty (30) days from receipt of such  Report;

b.  Audited Financial Statements in the immediate past five (5) years;

c.  Quarterly, Annual Reports and Trial Balance

Quarterly Financial Statements


e.  Local and foreign borrowings (none);

f. Government subsidies and net lending (not applicable);

g. All borrowings guaranteed by the Government (none);

i. Performance Evaluation System

4. On Government Matters:

b. Performance Scorecards and Strategy Map

e. CSR Statement; and

g. “No Gift Policy

h. Quality Management System / Operations Manual

Projects and Operations

In line with PNOC EC's mandate of providing a stable energy supply for the Philippines, the company is also involved in the exploration, development and production of coal in the country.

PNOC Exploration Corporation’s presence in the Philippine petroleum industry spans over 30 years, with its role evolving from that of a catalyst and promoter of local petroleum exploration to that of

PNOC EC's Trading and Marketing business continue to serve the fuel requirements of its industrial customers with coal supply coming from its own COC 41 small scale mines and other indigenous sources.

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